Player Suggestion: Create a secondary channel to keep Endless Tower

After today's maintenance players saw the banner in the Cash Shop window that said Constellation Tower January 2025.

It is known that this update replaces Endless Tower, a very popular instance that is run by people for a chance to fight multiple bosses in a short period of time. 

It is also known that a lot of the equipment released by Warp Portal in the past year revolves heavily around Cash Shop Gear having a combo with a certain MVP Card, most of which appear in the Endless Tower instance. In addition to that, a lot of the endgame revolves around better gearing and MVP cards dropping. Endless Tower provides all new players an opportunity to get a chance to hunt these highly sought after MVPs in the Endless Tower, the same way my F2P Spirit Handler can clear ET without any cash gear, other players can do so. Some luckier than others but we have seen a lot of people get lucky and get a card thanks to their effort in trying.
The other problem is that Constellation Tower Cards drop at a significantly much lower rate than the current MVPs


As of now not everyone is aware of the update as it is only mentioned in the banner in the Cash Shop window ingame. So this post is meant to bring awareness and provide a potential solution to this.

The Solution: I propose we create a second Alberta Channel. Alberta Channel 2. The purpose of this secondary channel map is to provide access to Captain Janssen at

(alberta 214, 77) in channel 2 while we keep the NPC for Constellation Tower in Channel 1.

This way we have a channel for Endless Tower and a channel for Constellation Tower. We continue to have the highly sought and most participated instance available for all new players to have their shot.

This way we do not have to do any customization beyond a 2nd channel map exclusively for Alberta to continue having access to Endless Tower and also provide Constellation Tower. 


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