1 Billion Sphere - Improvement for trading
Hey, GM team.
It isn't new that we are still having several issues with every trading performed in the game with items above 1 billion zeny (scams!). bRO (Brasil Ragnarok Online, managed algo by Warp Portal) has the solution for us, it is the 1 Billion zeny sphere:
You can exchange 1,000,000,000 Zeny for a 1 Billion Sphere or vice versa with the NPC "Shibanqueiro". Which can be found at the Lighthalzen bank (lhz_in02 25, 19).
Only characters level 140 or higher can make the exchange.
You can buy or sell only one sphere at a time.
A fee of 500,000 Zeny is charged for both selling and buying the sphere.
The sphere cannot be sent via RODEX.

Source: Negociação - bROWiki
More of this, directly from a Warp Portal BR post: Nova moeda: Esfera de 1 Bilhão de Zenys | Ragnarök Online – MMORPG gratuito! - Warpportal Brasil (playragnarokonlinebr.com)
This is something that has been since 2020 in bRO, would be a huge improvement for us.
Looking forward for GMs comments!
Index: WarpPortal Forums https://ift.tt/wytWPA4
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